InCulturedbyPetiri IraBlack Basketball Players Are Human — Not Entertainment That Society Can AbuseHigh-school student and basketball player; Makai Brown deserves better.Feb 5, 20224Feb 5, 20224
InAn Injustice!byPetiri IraAttention, Instagram Will Not Solve RacismIt's a cushion that protects people from the real worldOct 14, 20212Oct 14, 20212
InAn Injustice!byPetiri IraHalloween Is Not A Pass For Cultural AppropriationIt continues to be a perennial issue year in and year out.Oct 26, 20211Oct 26, 20211
InCulturedbyPetiri IraJesy Nelson's Blackfishing Cannot Be DefendedBlackfishing and Black outrage have met once againOct 13, 20215Oct 13, 20215
InCulturedbyPetiri IraSorry, Being "Tan" Doesn't Make You BlackI am Black 24/7Sep 23, 20218Sep 23, 20218
InAn Injustice!byPetiri IraHere's Why We Should Decolonise Our StandardsWhat freeing our minds can doJul 12, 20213Jul 12, 20213
InThe ShadowbyPetiri IraThey Love Black Culture But Not Black People In The FleshWould they love me as much as they love my culture?Apr 13, 20213Apr 13, 20213